Why Advertise

The Around Town Newspaper is one of the longest held newspapers of its kind. The reader retains it for days after publication, reading the various features and referring to its directories. During that period, as he or she leafs through the pages, the advertising is seen many times over. Its Wednesday night printing and subsequent distribution completed on Friday, gives the advertiser a weekend advantage of having a ready-made audience for promotion. In addition, thousands of readers all around the world have access on the website.

Combined with the paid advertising space, there is a FREE promotional package that includes editorial write-ups and when applicable, pictures and feature articles. You can get proven results with Around Town. The majority of advertisers appear all year because they realize the importance of being in front of the affluent market.

Around Town is alive with the good times and is a reflection of the good things people want; it is the perfect vehicle to get your message to the affluent market you seek…A GREAT ADVERTISING BUY! Contact Us for more information on how to Advertise, TODAY!